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How Did Oswaldo Mobray Know About The Lincoln Letter

Oswald Mobray and the Lincoln Letter: An In-Depth Investigation

How Did Oswald Mobray Come to Know About the Lincoln Letter?


In 1902, a remarkable discovery was made: a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Lydia Bixby, expressing his condolences for the loss of her five sons in the Civil War. However, the authenticity of the letter has been a subject of debate, with some historians questioning whether it was even written by Lincoln himself.

One individual who played a pivotal role in the controversy surrounding the letter was Oswald Mobray, a former journalist and handwriting expert. Mobray claimed that the letter was a forgery and that he had evidence to prove it. His involvement in the case raised questions about how he obtained knowledge of the letter and what his motives were for disputing its authenticity.

Mobray's Background and Interest in Handwriting

Oswald Mobray was born in England in 1848. He immigrated to the United States in his early twenties and began working as a journalist. During his time in the newspaper industry, he developed a keen interest in handwriting analysis. He studied the works of handwriting experts and claimed to have developed his own methods for identifying forged documents.

His Involvement in the Lincoln Letter Controversy

In the early 1900s, the Lincoln letter emerged as a national sensation. Mobray became involved in the controversy after being contacted by individuals who questioned the letter's authenticity. He examined the letter and concluded that it was a forgery. He based his opinion on several factors, including the handwriting style, the type of paper used, and the presence of anachronisms in the text.

Mobray's Evidence and Motives

Mobray presented his findings in a series of articles and lectures. He argued that the letter was written on paper that was not available during Lincoln's time. He also claimed that the handwriting style was inconsistent with Lincoln's known writing samples. Mobray's claims were met with skepticism by some historians, but they also generated considerable public interest in the case.

Mobray's motives for disputing the authenticity of the Lincoln letter have been the subject of speculation. Some historians believe that he was genuinely convinced that the letter was a forgery. Others suggest that he may have had personal or political reasons for discrediting the document.

Impact of Mobray's Involvement

Oswald Mobray's involvement in the Lincoln letter controversy had a significant impact on public opinion. His claims about the letter's authenticity raised doubts in the minds of many Americans. The resulting debate contributed to a broader discussion about the reliability of historical documents and the importance of handwriting analysis.


Oswald Mobray's role in the Lincoln letter controversy remains a topic of interest and debate among historians and researchers. His claims about the letter's authenticity have left an enduring legacy and continue to be examined in the context of historical inquiry and the study of handwriting analysis.
